What we planned (construction plans), consulted and most probably will also be built by StrohNatur or ASBN-workshops in 2024…
Austria: Straw Bale Addition to a house in Etzelsreith, NÖ
A new (straw) facade, a wintergarden and an additional (straw board) insulation for the roof are the wishes of this client in Waldviertel. Fixed for April 12-25 (only for STEPpers).
Scope: Timber Construction, Straw Bale Infill and Wrapping, Clay- and Lime plaster
Permission plan: Juri Kos
Construction plan: Herbert Gruber
DE: Straw Bale House in Eitorf-Merten (near Bonn), DE
Straw Bale Walls (Workshop postponed to June 14-21, Trainer: Jakub Jirku, Herbert Gruber), Straw Bale Roof, Earth- and Lime renders
Scope: Straw Bale Infill, Clayplaster and Lime render
Permission plan: Heiko Wäsche
Construction plan: Heiko Wäsche
Summer Workshops
Austria: Straw bale guest houses for “farm holidays” in Gnesau in Gurktal (Carinthia/Kärnten) in the beautiful Austrian alps, 3 guest houses and a “barn for connoisseurs” as an extension to the farm. Fixed for summer 2024 (July 8 – 28).
Scope: timber construction, partly straw construction modules (StrawHenge), straw bale infill, clay and lime plaster
Permission plan: Juri Kos
Construction plan: Herbert Gruber
Summer Workshops
Austria: New construction of a straw bale house in Hofamt Priel, Lower Austria, AT. Infill workshop fixed for August 7-13, clay plaster/lime plaster fixed for August 15-29.
Submission planning: Erich Scheibreitner
Construction planning: Herbert Gruber
Austria: Straw Bale House Haas in Harmersdorf in Styria
on foam glass foundation with reciprocal roof and straw bale walls- and roof. Start of Construction planned for autumn 2024. Workshops will be published.
Scope: Timber Construction, Straw Bale Infill, Clay- and Lime plaster
Planning: Juri Kos
Construction plan: Herbert Gruber
Germany: Façade insulation (Wrapping) of an existing farmhouse in Bischofsmais in the Bavarian Forest, DE.
Planned for autumn 2024.
Scope: Straw bale wrapping, lime plaster
Construction planning: Herbert Gruber
Not yet clear, when:
Austria: Straw Bale House in Sulz im Wienerwald, AT
on foam glass foundation with straw bale roof and straw bale walls in StrawHenge panels. Partly self-building/prefabrication.
Scope: Timber Construction, StrawHenge Panels, Straw Bale Infill, Clay- and Lime plaster
Planning: Gregor Pils
Construction plan: Herbert Gruber
Austria: Partial load-bearing Straw bale house in Gerersdorf, Burgenland on foam glass with point foundations, round timber construction with reciprocal and radiating roof, load-bearing walls
Scope: Timber construction (ev. load-bearing straw bale construction, clay plaster)
Planning: Juri Kos
Construction Plan: Herbert Gruber